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General assignment questions and concerns

The following information will hopefully assist you with your question regarding assignments. However, if for whatever reason the information presented below does not help, and you still require assistance, if you scroll all the way to the bottom of this page you will see you have the ability to lodge a service request. When lodging a request please try to include as much information as possible! The better you describe your issue, the better our tutor team will be able to assist you. Thank you.

How can I get help with my assignment?

If you aren’t sure what your assignment is asking of you please fill in the form below and a tutor will be in contact soon.

How do I submit my assignment?

Please watch the video below for instructions on how to submit your assignment:

How long does it take for an assignment to be marked?

Assignment turnaround can take up to 14 business days. If you’re still within this timeframe, your assignment is currently being marked and your results will be with you shortly. 

If you still haven’t received your result after 14 business days please contact us via the form below and we will be in touch with your results shortly.

What happens if I fail an assignment?

If you fail an assignment the first thing we want you to do is….not stress!

Our courses are not a pass or fail. They are competency-based. Meaning, in order to be able to pass you just have to substantiate that you are competent in that activity.

So if you fail an assignment, you can resubmit as many times as you like in order to get your pass or competency mark. Now! This does not mean that you should just resubmit the same assignment hoping for a different mark! Please take the time to read the feedback provided by your tutor, or call your tutor for one on one help, THEN you can submit with confidence you will pass.

If you would like to discuss this further or have any questions please feel free to call our tutor support team or submit a ticket here below.

I’m only allowed to upload 5 photos at a time but I have more than that, can I email them?

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